NEW YORK, 30 September 2009 - UNICEF welcomes the adoption today by the United Nations Security Council of a resolution calling for increased protection from sexual violence for women and children caught up in wars and conflict.
Sexual violence is a horrific violation of human rights and a despicable weapon of war used against women and children. Impunity for perpetrators of sexual violence must end. Today's resolution sets in place mechanisms that should contribute to ending impunity.
This new resolution complements Resolution 1820, adopted in June 2008, which formally recognized, for the first time, the threat sexual violence poses to international peace and security.
Resolution 1888 is an important next step, adding additional impetus to international efforts to stamp out sexual violence, ensuring that sexual violence is taken into account in United Nations-sponsored peace negotiations, and strengthening accountability for violations through the new reporting mechanism it establishes.
For further information, please contact:
Christopher de Bono, UNICEF NY,
Tel + 1 212 303 7984;
Rebecca Fordham, UNICEF NY,
Tel + 1 212 326 7162;